Intro to Reporting

How do I download reports from Moves+?

In order to download reports from Moves+, we recommend following the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Reports module
  2. Find the report you wish to download
  3. Click 'Edit'
  4. Add the relevant filters for the report (i.e. to find Activity that took place in the last week, you can set the filter to 'Occurred at (filters) equal Last week' filter.
  5. Click 'Save query'
  6. Then click 'Download' as CSV. 
  7. The CSV will automatically download when ready.

I am receiving a 502 error when trying to download a report, what do I do?

Users will sometimes receive a 502 error message when downloading a report with a large amount of data. We recommend that you use the Filters to reduce the number of rows within the download following the steps above.

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