- If the request to setup a Direct Debit instruction is rejected by the Customer’s bank the Bureau will provide a AUDDIS Advice report with the reasons for rejection
- Flow will process this rejection and update the Customer’s instruction and membership accordingly
AUDDIS Rejections:
- Once your Bureau has provided you with an AUDDIS Advice report this can be imported into Flow via the AUDDIS Rejections sub-module within the Finance module
- Note: this is typically an XML file, do not try to edit this raw file as it could result in corruption and the unsuccessful import of rejected records
Import AUDDIS report:
- From the home page, go to the Finance Module
- Click on Direct Debit Instructions
- Click on AUDDIS rejections
- The default tab is ‘In progress’ however you can navigate between successful processed rejections and those cancelled by other users
Select AUDDIS advice file:
- Import the AUDDIS advice report – an XML file type
- Click ‘open’ against the file you wish to use, and click ‘import data’
View import in progress:
- The imported file will show key data, including matched records
- The import can be cancelled if necessary
- Admin can click to ‘view’ a breakdown of the records included in the file
View records in AUDDIS rejection:
- On viewing the records included in the file, admin can click ‘view customer’ if needed for further investigation
- The rejection code and description is shown for reference
- As the import is still ‘in progress’ it can be cancelled
Process AUDDIS advice report:
- The file must then be processed to ensure the customer’s BACS codes are updated accordingly
Customer instruction updated:
- Once the file has been processed, administrators can spot-check customer records detailed in the rejected list
- Customer’s instructions will update accordingly based on the rejection code
- Any membership associated with the instruction will change to a ‘pending’ status.
- If the instruction is unresolved with the customer, the membership will become ‘cancelled’ if there is no valid payment method when a collection is attempted at their next collection