Intro to ARRUD - Representation Collection

  • A representation collection is an additional attempt to collect a direct debit that has been marked as unpaid through the ARRUD process 
  • Flow has a setting: ‘Max payment attempt retries’ which specifies how may retry attempts through the representation are to take place before the customer’s mandate is cancelled
  • If the representation collection is unpaid that record will be processed again through ARRUD file


Prepare representation collection file:

  1. Navigate to the payment collection sub-module
  2. Select ‘DD representation’ as the payment collection type
  3. Specify the facilities you wish to generate a collection against (currently selects all)
  4. Select a collection date range, or a single day selection
  5. Click ‘prepare data’ to display a list of records for collection 


View representation collectable amount:

  1. The representation collection now has a status of ‘pending’ to allow administrators to scrutinize the values generated
  2. Each row in the ‘preview data’ table shows a breakdown of total instructions, collectables and values by each facility 
  3. Total amounts are displayed for all values 
  4. The collection can be cancelled, or the admin can proceed to ‘Generate the payment file’ 


Generate representation payment collection file:

  1. Once the file has been generated it can be reviewed if necessary 
  2. Note: do not edit the file or make any changes, this will corrupt the file and will result in failed collections
  3. On file generation a new button will appear to ‘Mark as Completed’ 
  4. Until the collection is marked as completed it can still be cancelled 
  5. The payment collection file is then submitted to the Bureau for processing 


Mark representation collection as complete:

  1. Once the collection file is processed by the Bureau a receipt number / reference is provided 
  2. This receipt number can be entered on Flow when marking the collection as complete 
  3. Flow assumes that all collections at the point of completion were successful, updating the Customer’s instruction accordingly 
  4. If any collections are unsuccessful, these are picked up through the ARRUD report 


Instruction is cancelled after maximum amount of representations:

  1. Based on the Max payment attempt retries setting the instruction will be cancelled after this is reached
  2. In the example this is set to ‘2’ then after two failed collections (the first being a collection and then a representation) the customer’s BACS code is updated to ‘0C  - Instruction Cancelled’ 
  3. Flow assumes that all collections at the point of completion were successful, updating the Customer’s instruction accordingly 
  4. If any collections are unsuccessful, these are picked up through the ARRUD report 


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