In this guide, we will show you how users can create Private Groups.
Users can create private groups and invite their friends. Within the
group, the admin can set the maximum number of goals that can be
active at one time.
You can amend the maximum number of goals that can be set within
a group at once time.
• Settings -> Max group goals -> Edit
Private groups
• Private Groups are set up by users for other users.
• They have a group ‘admin’ which is the user who created the group and ‘members’ who
have accepted the invite to join the group.
• They include group goals which are set up and managed by the group admin.
• They can be edited and deleted from the admin panel by the university administrator.
Step by Step Guide
1. Go to your Moves App
2. On the bottom of the screen, click on Explore
3. Click on Groups, then select My Groups on the top and click on Create a new private group
4. Fill in the details
- Name your group
- Group Description
- Upload a group picture by clicking on Take a picture or Choose from camera roll
- Click on Create Group
5. Invite Friends
Click on invite on the friends you wish to join the group.
Once the invite has been sent, but not yet accepted yet, you can still cancel it (see 2nd screenshot). Once they have accepted it, the invite/cancel button will disappear.
6. Click on Finished.
If you wish to remove a friend from the group, to back to the group page and click on Members, click on the friend you wish to remove and click on Remove as friend.