This guide explains how to update an existing price at different levels, explore various pricing types, and apply restrictions such as time bands.
Note: These changes will not affect fees for existing customers. To adjust pricing for current members, refer to the relevant article for detailed instructions.
Step-by-Step Guide
1. Navigate to Pricing Options
- From the Home page, go to Pricing Options.
- Click on Pricing Options again.
2. Search for the Pricing Option
- Select the type of pricing option you wish to update and click Search.
- Locate the specific pricing option you want to update and click Manage.
3. Choose the Level for Price Updates
- Select the level at which the price should be updated:
- Global
- Setting Group
- Centre
Important: Prices are prioritized based on their level. If multiple prices qualify for a customer, the lower-level price (e.g., Centre) will override the higher-level price (e.g., Global), even if it is of a higher value.
For example, a Global price of £5 will be overridden by a Centre-level price of £8 if the customer is at that facility.
4. Update or Create a New Price
- Click Edit on the existing price to update the details, or click Create New Price to add a new one.
- Complete the required details as outlined below:
Pricing Type
- Member: The price will only apply to customers with one or more active memberships.
- Non-Member: The price will only apply to customers without active memberships or anonymous customers whose membership status cannot be determined.
- If no type is selected, the customer's membership status will not affect price qualification.
Time Band
- When specified, the price will only apply if the current date/time or the date/time of the activity being booked falls within the specified time band.
Active Start Date / Active End Date
- These fields restrict the price to the date range provided. The price will only apply during this time frame.
5. Important Notes for Membership Pricing
- If you are updating the price of a membership, this change will not affect existing customers who are already subscribed to that membership.
- To adjust pricing for existing members, refer to the relevant article.
Bulk Pricing Updates
You can make pricing changes in bulk using the following methods:
- Use this option to add new prices while retaining existing ones.
- Use this option to modify existing prices.