This article covers the ability to update an existing price at different levels, the different types of pricing and a range of restrictions that can be used such as time band.
N.B: This will not apply to existing customers' fees.
Step by Step Guide
1. From the home page, go to Pricing Options
2. Click on Pricing Options again
3. Select the pricing option type you wish to update the price for and click on 'Search'.
4. Search for the pricing option you wish to update a price to and click on Manage
4. Select the level the new price should be updated at (Global / Setting Group / Centre)
Prices can be added at the global, setting group and facility levels. If a price qualifies at a lower level than another qualifying price it will be used instead, even if it is of a higher value. For example, a qualifying Global price of £5 will be superseded by a qualifying facility-level price of £8, if the customer is at that facility.
5. Click on Edit on the existing price and fill in the details and update the details accordingly. Or click on 'Create New Price'
When “Member” is selected, then the price will only qualify for customers who have one or more active memberships. When “Non-member” is selected, then the price will only qualify for customers who do not have any active memberships, or for anonymous customers whose memberships cannot be determined. Otherwise, the customer’s membership status is not taken into account when determining price qualification.
Time band
When selected, the price will only qualify when either the current date & time or the date and time of the activity being booked, falls within the time band specified.
Active start date / active end date
When specified, the price will only qualify between the two dates provided.
N.B: Please note: If updating the price of a membership, this will not affect any existing users on that membership. Should you want to change the price for existing users, you should refer to this article.
You can also make these changes in Bulk either via the bulk add prices functionality (if you wish to keep existing prices but also add new ones) or bulk Update prices if you want to change the existing ones.