1.40.0 Release Notes

Release Date: May 31st

Summary: Release 1.40.0

For this release we have made improvements for configurable email notifications and a number of key defects in the following related areas:

- Membership Freezes

- Front of House Activity Roster

- User Interface for Resources

- Scheduling for Fast Ticket Templates


Please find below further details:


Configurable Email Notifications


Waitlist Email Retired

We had previously migrated the waitlist email to the new Notifications module, which meant the legacy configuration was still present in the system under System Configuration → Manage Settings → Email Contents. This work has now completed the previous migration, by removing the old way of configuring this email from the system.


Booking Made Email Template Upgraded

The booking confirmation email has now been added to the notifications module. This means you can now configure one of the most frequently delivered email within the system. After feedback we have also added a new variable {{booking.resource}} which returns the location of the activity - e.g 'Lane 2' (or ‘Court 1’ for the second image) which gives more granularity for customers.



Booking Cancelled Email Template Upgraded

Similarly to the booking confirmation email (another frequent email) this has also been upgraded to the notification module along with the additional {{booking.resource}} variable, so clients can now configure the booking cancelled (by the customer) notification.


NOTE: All clients content for both these notifications (if previously configured under System Configuration → Manage Settings → Email Contents) will be migrated across.


Key Defects


Membership Freezes

- Intermittent errors reported for when a freeze is being auto-approved. 

- Reconciliation fees were incorrect when a freeze was removed early.

- Sparsely reported error when a a customers freeze had 2 auto approvals generated which caused twice the amount of membership credit pro rata being applied incorrectly.



- Dataset was provided by request from a client for a period of missing data that is scheduled to 4Global

- Income Datasource was manually refreshed by the team. We anticipate the Income Datasource will continue to intermittently fail to refresh until the underlying issue is improved, which is being reviewed in triage for consideration in future Sprints.


Front of House Activity Roster

- Reported issues with the Activity Roster not appearing correctly via Front of House


Scheduling for Fast Ticket Templates

- Duplicate ticket types were created in some reported cases when scheduling a Fast Ticket template. This was caused by the Publish button when scheduling being clicked more than once. The Publish button will now disable once it has been clicked once.


User Interface for Resources

- UI issue that prevented the Resource hierarchy from being re-ordered for Parent and Child Resources



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