Estimated Release Date |
20th March 2024 |
Estimated Release Time |
11 pm |
Expected Downtime |
No expected downtime |
During this development cycle, the majority of the team's focus has been on continuing on Activities V2, in particular making progress on the improvements to activity scheduling and templates as the next phase of the project. The team have also supported the onboarding of a new client, several bulk data export/import client requests and started the work for Membership Promotions.
Considering the efforts above and where the team's main focus has been during this cycle, this release sees one key Flow update concerning customer notification when a member's DD price differs from the previous month and an update to the Opayo integration.
Amount Changed Notification
For our clients who utilise GoCardless as their method of collecting DD's, standard communications for when a DD price has changed for a member is sent by GoCardless directly. However, following client feedback, clients would also like the notification within Flow (that was previously only sent for clients who process their own DD collections directly in Flow) to be sent to supplement the standard communication generated by GoCardless.
To facilitate this, the team have created a setting to allow the communication to be sent regardless of the method of DD collection (GoCardless or manually by the client). This setting is configurable by clients themselves and can be found by Home > System Configuration > Settings > Manage Settings > Search for Send amount changed notification > Edit.
As a default, the setting is set to No however if you would like the communications to be sent (in addition to GoCardless' communication), please enable the mentioned setting above and also review the email notification template for Sent to customers if their next recurring payment amount differs from the previous which can be found by Home > System Configuration > Notifications
Update Opayo Integration
Following Opayo's (online payment provider) change in name (formerly Sage Pay), there has been an update to the API specification to remove any reference to Sage Pay. As a result of this, we have also been required to make updates to the integration to ensure our URL's are up to date.
Please note, that there are no required changes to be made by clients in this area. We have made the necessary changes above to ensure online payments are processed as normal following Opayo's requirement to remove the reference to Sage Pay.