Estimated Release Date |
1st May 2024 |
Estimated Release Time |
11 pm |
Expected Downtime |
No expected downtime |
During this development cycle, the teams have continued the work to progress Activities V2 (Templates & Schedules) and Membership Promotions V1. In addition, we have also released new Financial Data Sources to support our client's reconciliation processes and migrated previously hard-coded emails into the Notifications module. There are also other product enhancements around custom question answers when renewing a paid-in-full membership, a new CoursePro re-sync button for memberships integrated with CoursePro and lastly disabling the ability to upload eligibility documents to suspended/expired memberships.
Migration of Emails
We have migrated three of our previously hard-coded emails into the Notification template, which will allow our clients to configure the email contents if they choose. To do this please go to System Configuration -> Notifications -> Email Templates -> Create New Template (bottom of the page) -> And select from the below Email Template titles -> Proceed to creating and amending the email content as normal.
Forgot Password Notification
This email is sent to a customer when a request to reset password has been triggered.
Activity Booking Cancelled
This email is sent to a customer when their booking has been cancelled by staff. It is currently configured to pull through the relevant cancellation reason selected at the time of cancelling the booking.
Removed From Waitlist Notification
This email is sent to a customer when they have been removed from the waitlist for a class.
Please note this change has already been released.
Financial Data Sources
Following feedback on available data sources relating to orders, transactions and end-of-shift reconciliation we found that improvements were required to support our client's business operations. From this we have released 4 new datasources detailed below which refresh daily between 3.30am and 5am, for all transactions completed (FOH and online).
1a. Order Transactions - Provides data entries for order ID to report on the tender type, amount tendered, venue name, order date and payment source. For the orders processed via FOH the shift ID is also included. The data can also be grouped and columns aggregated to understand a total sum.
1b. Order Line Items - Provides data entries for the item(s) within an order to report on the GL code (finance code), item amount, item description, venue name, order date and order ID. For the orders processed via FOH the shift ID is also included. The data can also be grouped and columns aggregated to understand a total sum.
1c. Refund Transactions - Duplicated datasource of the Order Transactions, however only provides data entries for refunds processed. Data entries include the original order date and the date of the refund.
1d. Refund Line Items - Duplicated datasource of the Order Line Items, however only provides data entries for refunds processed. Data entries include the original order date and the date of the refund.
Please note these datasources have already been released.
Custom Questions - Membership Renewal Online
When a customer renews their paid-in-full membership online they can answer/update the Custom Questions that may have been present at the time of original purchase. These could be questions you have added since they originally took the membership out or update their existing answers in case something has changed.
CoursePro Re-sync Button
Following feedback from clients regarding the syncing of membership statuses between Flow and CoursePro we have now introduced a re-sync button within Flow, to re-initialise the data re-sync process if required.
As part of this improvement, any errors our side will be now logged which will allow us to better triage and identify any problematic users/settings. To confirm this option is only available for memberships set up as CoursePro memberships.
Uploading Eligibility Document Improvements
We have introduced an improvement which now no longer allows customers to upload eligibility proof documents to an expired or suspended membership. By doing this we believe it will mitigate any customer uncertainty by only allowing the eligibility documents to be uploaded to relevant memberships.
In addition to this we have also re-ordered how memberships will present on a customers account online (my-account) based on status. Memberships will now present in the following order:
- Pending memberships first
- Active memberships
- Frozen memberships
- Lastly, any other memberships
Again by making this change, we believe this will further mitigate any customer uncertainty as a customer will see their pending membership first if they have eligibility document to upload.
Key Defect
Resource calendar - Block Bookings Availability
Improvements to the Resource Calendar (Timeline) where some block bookings activities would indicate that a space was available incorrectly.