1.24 Release notes

Release date: 8th June 2022

The focus for the rest of 2022 is to tackle key features that will enable us to deliver a holistic LMS system, reduce technical debt and fix high priority defects. As such the cadence of new features will be reduced as we prepare our system for multi-tenancy.

This release has focused on:

  • The integration between Flow and GoCardless (more info to come soon)
  • Multi-client defects - a number of defects and enhancements were raised and fixed to ensure future stability with multiple clients using Flow
  • Technical debt - including removing the Classes module

Classes module removed

The Classes module has now been removed! Classes are now configured within the Activities module alongside Ad hoc and Fast tickets activity types and the Instructors page be seen below.


You can now search instructors by name and filter by type & facility.


Defect fixes

The following defects have been resolved as part of the 1.24 release:

  • FLOW-181 - Credit was not being applied when a freeze was added to a recurring membership.
  • FLOW-190 - The billing page was incorrectly showing a customers first mandate even after being updated with a new & current one.
  • FLOW-250 - Usages from activities on dates after the schedule had been cancelled/expired were appearing in usage reports.
  • FLOW-180 - The home facility field was generating incorrect data within usage reports.
  • FLOW-238 - Adjustments with either an active start or end date were not included in the bulk pricing adjustments export.
  • FLOW-424 - Customer app images were showing incorrectly.
  • FLOW-172 - The customer reference field was case sensitive when adding additional customers to fast ticket bookings.
  • FLOW-485 - When adding credits via the bulk action tool the amounts were being rounded incorrectly (i.e. £10.80 was rounded to £10.00).


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