1.34.0 Release Notes

Released on January 25th


Summary: Release 1.34

1.34.0 is a small release completed over the ‘Christmas sprint’ with ongoing focus on defects whilst we also completed a new feature to support one of our clients, which was to add membership as a restriction to pricing options.


Membership Restricted Activities

This functionality sees the inclusion of another type of restriction for booking and fast ticket pricing options that relate to activities, configured under the availability tab. The main use-case is to ensure that only customers with a specific membership are allowed to book (and purchase) a specific activity. The default configuration is to allow access to all memberships, so this won’t affect any current live clients on deploy.


If you would like to understand other ways you could utilise the membership restriction feature against other pricing option types, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Support team.


Use Case

Customer A purchases a ‘Tennis’ Membership

Customer B purchases a ‘Swimming’ Membership

Admin restricts the pricing option that powers tennis activities to the Tennis membership

Admin restricts the pricing option that powers swimming activities to the Swimming membership

Customer A cannot book a swimming activity, nor can Customer B book a tennis activity


Configuring a membership restriction

  1. Navigate to a pricing option and the availability tab
  2. ‘Memberships’ is shown
  3. Select a membership group, and then either one or all memberships within that group


Note 1: This restriction does not allow you to restrict by multiple different memberships. Using the above use case you cannot, for instance, add say a ‘Tennis’ and a ‘Tennis and Swimming Membership to a pricing option.

Note 2: Where a customer has two memberships and one has restrictions Flow will allow the customer any restricted booking privileges


Online / FOH messaging

The membership restriction will still make activities on the timetable visible, however if a customer does not have the correct membership they will be unable to book the activity. The current user experience across the activity types does differ. The following behaviour of the restriction is detailed below:


  • The class book button is shown as ‘unavailable’ with a tooltip notification explaining to the user ‘you do not have the required membership’ this is the same online and FOH





  • By default, online, the filter is set to ‘only show available times’ which means the timetable could be blank with a restriction applied, if you change the filter to ‘show all times’ the activities will display, but again with an ‘unavailable’ book button
  • In FOH the button is shown as unavailable




Fast Tickets

  • The ticket that is restricted will not be displayed if the customer does not have the correct membership. 
  • The first image is without a membership restriction, the second a restriction is applied to the family ticket, and therefore does not display as an option for the customer.




Moves+ Email Domain Restriction

We have added an unrestricted email domain feature to Moves+. This will allow other types of clients (rather than just higher education) to offer unrestricted access, so customers can use their personal emails, gmail, hotmail etc. 


Other Work

  • Data Import work ongoing: this feature is a self-serve feature allowing clients to migrate their customers from legacy systems into Flow. This will encompass:
    • User info
    • Membership Mappings
    • Direct Debit Mandates
    • Venue Mappings
    • Access Control Identifiers
  • CoursePro Integration. Investigation work has been completed and a proposal created for how OP will support the integration and the tasks needed.


Key Defects fixed within 1.34.0

  • Linked memberships charged despite cancellation.

We have resolved an issue whereby a head member and the linked member had both cancelled their membership but the head member was still being charged for the linked membership.

  • Cancelled schedules still bookable

We have made some changes which should prevent this issue from happening again.

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