


What does Garmin Track?

  • Running 
  • Cycling 
  • Steps 
  • Swimming 
Top Tips 
  1. Make sure you start an activity on your Garmin.
  2. Running, Swimming & Cycling need to be recorded through GPS. If your tracker does not support GPS Moves+ cannot process these activities 
  3. Any manually added activity will not be processed by Moves+


If you are concerned that the number of points you are receiving is vastly different to those shown on your Garmin app and it is not explained by the below, please contact your institution administrator. 

  • Please check that you have ensured sync is enabled on Garmin (see troubleshooting guidance). 
  • You may be awarded your ‘actual’ activity data by Moves+ rather than your ‘perceived’ data as shown on your Garmin watch or app. Read more about this here.
  • Ensure you are logging runs and bike rides with a distance associated (GPS is turned on and a map is shown). We cannot provide points if there is not a distance for these activities, and similarly will not provide points for manually added activities. Read more about this here.
    If you are concerned about the points you have received, make sure that you leave your Garmin tracker connected to Moves+ for at least two days before contacting your institution.



  1. Disconnect your tracker, log out of Moves+ and delete the app 
  2. Go to your Garmin app and revoke access to Moves+
  3. Garmin Settings -> Accounts -> ‘Manage Data’ -> ‘Manage Third-Party Apps’  -> revoke access to Moves (if it appears in the list) 
  4. Reinstall Moves+ and login (do not connect tracker yet) 
  5. Ensure sync is is enabled on Garmin
  6. Garmin app -> View account -> Select the Garmin tracker) -> Check sync is turned on to All-day sync enabled and preferably turn on ‘Always Connected’
  7. Complete some activity and open Garmin to check that your tracker is showing up-to-date activity for today 
  8. If you wish to check your activity now go to Moves+ and press ‘Manual Sync’. Check that you have received points that you should have when your sync is complete. You can also check you have received the correct points after the nightly sync, just open your app tomorrow to see the points you achieved from yesterday. 

Note: You may receive a slightly different number of points compared to activity (e.g. +-20 points) because of discrepancies with the syncs but we always round up so overtime this will always level out. 

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