Intro to AUDDIS - Rejection (Not for GoCardless Customers)


This guide details how to manage AUDDIS rejections in Flow. When a Direct Debit instruction is rejected by the customer’s bank, the Bureau provides an AUDDIS Advice Report explaining the reasons. This report can be imported into Flow to update customer instructions and memberships automatically based on the rejection details.


Step-by-Step Guide

1. Import the AUDDIS Advice Report

  1. Obtain the AUDDIS Advice Report from your Bureau, typically provided as an XML file.

    • Note: Do not edit this file directly, as modifications can cause import errors.
  2. Go to the Finance module from the Home page.


  3. Select Direct Debit Instructions and then


  4. click on AUDDIS Rejections.


    • Note: The default tab shows In Progress rejections, but you can also view successfully processed or cancelled rejections.


  5. Click Import Data and select the AUDDIS advice file (an XML file type) from your device.


2. Monitor Import Progress

  • Key data from the imported file, including matched records, will display in Flow.
  • If necessary, the import process can be cancelled at this stage.
  • Click View to see a detailed breakdown of the records included in the file.


3. Review Rejected Records

  1. In the imported file, administrators can view each rejected record with specific details, including:

    • The rejection code and description for each entry.
    • Options to view customer details if further investigation is required.
  2. The import will show as In Progress until it is completed or cancelled.


4. Process the AUDDIS Advice Report

  1. Once ready, finalize the processing of the imported AUDDIS file to ensure customer BACS codes are updated according to the rejection reasons.
  2. Administrators may perform a spot-check of customer records included in the rejection file to confirm accurate updates.


5. Customer Instruction and Membership Updates

  • After processing, customer instructions will update based on the rejection code in the advice report.
  • If the rejected instruction impacts a customer’s membership:
    • The membership status will be set to Pending.
    • If unresolved and no alternative payment method is added, the membership will cancel when the next collection is attempted.


Following these steps will ensure that AUDDIS rejections are handled accurately, keeping customer records and membership statuses up-to-date.


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