How to add Direct Debit Instructions?


This guide explains how to add a Direct Debit payment method to a customer’s account. This can be helpful in cases where a customer has an active membership but no current payment method on file. For instance, if a customer accidentally canceled their Direct Debit but wants to continue their membership, new payment details can be added to keep their membership active.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Search for the Customer.

2. Update Payment Information

  1. Go to the Billing tab on the customer’s profile.


  2. Click on Add Direct Debit Instructions and enter the customer’s bank details.


3. Confirm Authorizations

  1. Tick the box to confirm that the customer has acknowledged they are the account holder and have authorized Direct Debit payments from this account.
  2. Tick the box confirming that you, as a staff member, have taken reasonable steps to ensure the customer understands and agrees to the Direct Debit Guarantee.

4. Save the Direct Debit Setup

  • Click Submit to save the Direct Debit payment method to the customer’s account.

The Direct Debit payment method is now successfully added, allowing the customer’s membership payments to continue seamlessly.

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