Intro to ARUDD - Import and process report

  • An ARRUD report details all unpaid direct debits from a previous collection attempt
  • The import updates all customer instructions where collection was rejected
  • Depending on specified global settings, Flow will attempt to collect the unpaid amount through a representation collection multiple times 


Import ARRUD file:

  1. From the home page, go to the Finance Module
  2. Navigate to the ARRUD Imports sub-module within Finance 
  3. View any in progress, processed or cancelled ARRUD imports 
  4. Click ‘Import ARRUD Advice Report’ to begin the process 


Upload ARRUD file:

  1. Select the file provided by your Bureau the file type supported is XML 
  2. Click ‘Open’ and ‘Import Data’ 


View pending imported records:

  1. Once imported, key fields are displayed, such as the total amount of failed collections, and matched records 
  2. Click ‘View’ to see a breakdown of records included in the import 


View customer imported records:

  1. Previewed data shows the customers collections that have been rejected. The rejection code and description are shown for reference 
  2. Administrators can click ‘view customer’ against any matched records 


Process ARRUD import:

  1. Clicking ‘process’ will move the import from ‘in progress’ to ‘completed’
  2. Customer instructions will be updated accordingly 


Customer instruction updated to '18':

  1. Once the ARRUD has been imported click on a customer record their instruction has now been updated to ’18 – Representation – refer to payer’ 
  2. A BACS code 18 will mean that the system will include the instruction in a representation collection – another attempt to take the payment due 
  3. The membership status will be updated to ‘pending’ 


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