The Orders tab provides a complete history of transactions made by the customer, whether online or at the front desk. These transactions can include activity bookings, membership purchases, or point-of-sale items like protein shakes or towel hires.
Step-by-Step Guide
1. Search for the Customer
2. Access the Orders Tab
Click on the Orders tab to view the customer’s order history.
3. Filter the Search
You can narrow down the transaction list by using the following filters:
Order Number or Facility
Source: Whether the transaction was made online or at the front desk (Front of House).
Status: Choose from options such as:
- Cancelled
- Full Refund
- Off-System Refund
- All
Date Range: Select a specific date range by entering the Date From and Date To fields.
4. View Order Details
To see more information about a specific order, click View Details. This will display an itemized breakdown of the order. If applicable, you can also process a refund from this screen.