Intro to Penalty & Booking Debt Overdue fees


In this guide, we will cover different types of penalties. Penalties are fees being charged to customers or Access being Denied to the Facility following missed payments. There are 3 types of penalties:

  • No Show Penalties for classes that are included in a customer's memberships (customer did not cancel nor attend the class they have booked for free/part of their memberships resulting in no one else being able to attend)
  • Late Cancellation Penalties for classes that are included in a customer's memberships (customer cancelled a booking after the cut off period resulting in no one else being able to attend due to the Waitlist cutoff period)
  • Booking debt overdue - These fees will automatically appear on the Customer's Penalties tab once the date of a Block booking has passed and no payment was collected for. 


Step by Step Guide

Where do I see them?

You can see them on the Customer Profile's Penalties Tab. They will show as 'Late Cancellation', 'Non attendance' and 'Booking Debt overdue'. 

No Show


Late Cancellation


Booking Debt overdue


The latter can be settled once the customer pays for them. You will need to go to the Bookings tab and click on Historic to search for the Unpaid one(s) and click on Pay.


How to set them up and apply them?

There are a few steps you will need take within the Class Booking Category of the System Configuration Module and the Pricing Options Module.


System Configuration


There are 2 settings that you need to enable for Late Cancellation Fees and No shows with the System Configuration module.


1. From the home page, go to the System Configuration Module


2. Go to Settings


3. Go to Manage Settings


A) No-show penalty type

a. Select the Class Booking Category and search for No-show penalty limit. This will determine how many shows a customer can have before they get a No-show penalty.

b. Select the Class Booking Category and search for the No-show Penalty Type setting and click on Edit.


c. Select 'Charge Fee' and click on Save.


B) Late Cancellation Fee

a. Select the Class Booking Category and search for the Cancellation Cutoff Action setting and click on Edit.


b. Select 'Charge Fee' and click on Save.


C) Waiting list cutoff period.

a. Select the Class Booking Category and Search for the Waitlist Cutoff Time Setting and click on Edit.


b. Enter the desired amount of Minutes you want before customers are no longer able to join the waiting list.


D) Overdue Booking Debt (Choose what to do when an overdue booking debt penalty is generated).

a. Select the Class Booking Category and search for the Overdue Booking Debt setting and click on Edit.


b. Select which action you wish to take when a customer has failed to pay for a Block Booking that has already occurred.

  • Disable Access
  • Disable Booking




Pricing Options

There are 2 Pricing Options that you need to configure for the above settings to apply. One for Late cancellation, one for No Shows. They are both inbuilt and have a default price which you can change on a Global level and override by Setting Groups or Facilities.


1. From the home page, go to the Pricing Options module.


2. Click on Pricing Options again.


A) Late Cancellation Fees

a. Search for cancellation_fee and click on Manage.


b. Click on the Pricing Tab. You will see that the Global Default Price which you can change to your preferred value. There is no price set per Setting Group or Centre. This will need to be done manually if required or it will inherit the Global Price.


c. If you want to change the price, click on Edit.


B) No-show Fees

a. Search for no_show_fee and click on Manage.


b. Click on the Pricing Tab. You will see that there is a Global Default Price which you can change to your preferred value. There is no price set per Setting Group or Centre. This will need to be done manually if required or it will inherit the Global Price.



N.B: Customers will see any Late Cancellation or No Show Fees on their online customer account, however, the Booking Debt Overvue will not show online.


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