How to configure your Class Booking Settings?


In this guide, we will show you how to configure your Class booking settings. For example, the Cart Reservation Length. You can set how many minutes a class booking can be reserved for before the payment is processed. You can configure this setting at Global, Group or Facility level.


Step by Step Guide


1. From the home page, go to the System Configuration Module


2. Go to Settings


3. Go to Manage settings


4. From the Dropdown category menu, select Class Booking


5. You will be presented with the list of available Class Booking settings below. You can configure each of them by clicking on 'Edit' on the right hand side, enter your chosen value and click on 'Save'.

  • Activity Cutoff Time

This setting causes the timetable to roll over to the next day when the time is passed.

  • Attach calendar entries (.iCal files) to booking confirmation emails

Whether to attach calendar entries (.iCal files) to booking confirmation emails for classes.

  • Booking terms summary

Add/Edit Booking terms summary

  • Cancellation Cutoff Action

Choose the action to take when a customer cancels within the cutoff (Charge Fee, Disable Booking, Disable Access, Disable Cancelling)


  • Cancellation cutoff

How many minutes before a class starts a customer cannot cancel

  • Cancellation cutoff message

Message shown to customers if they try to cancel a class after the cutoff

  • Cart Reservation Length

This determines how many minutes a cart item is reserved for

  • Display Venue Selection Button

Determines whether or not the additional venue selection button should display in the booking app

  • Minutes after an activity starts that user can still access the venue to attend.

Amount of minutes after an activity starts that users can still access the venue if they are not otherwise allowed. Can be overwritten per activity template.

  • Minutes after class starts that it can still be booked.

Number of minutes after a class has started that it can be booked. Can be overwritten per class category. Check setting 'late_access_minutes_allowed' to ensure that late bookers can access the venue.

  • Minutes before an activity ends that a user can still access the venue to attend.

Amount of minutes before an activity ends that users can still access the venue if they are not otherwise allowed. Can be overwritten per activity template.

  • Minutes before class starts that user can still access the venue to attend.

Amount of minutes before a class starts that users can still access the venue if they are not otherwise allowed. Can be overwritten per class category.

  • No-show penalty limit

How many no-shows a customer need to get before a no-show penalty is generated. 0 to disable these penalties.

  • No-show penalty type

Choose what to do when a no show penalty is generated. (Charge Fee, Disable booking, Disable access)


  • Overdue Booking Debt

Choose what to do when an overdue booking debt penalty is generated (Disable booking, Disable Access)


  • Prevent concurrent booking

Whether or not to allow customers to make bookings that occur at the same time as an existing booking

  • Tender types (class booking)

Types of tender to be used in class booking.


  • The Waitlist Cut Off time (Minutes)

The amount of minutes before a class starts, after this the waitlist is no longer available for that class

  • View other locations bookings link

Link displayed on the facility list page in the bookings application. If left blank the view other locations section will not display


N.B: Some settings can be overridden at Group or/And Facility Level.


You can tell by whether it gives you the option as per the screenshots below:

Global only




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