Managing Duplicate Email Sign-Ups in FLOW


The FLOW system includes a setting that controls whether customers can sign up using an email address already associated with another account.

  • Why allow duplicate emails? Some clients enable this setting to allow family members or shared users to register using the same email address.
  • Why disable duplicate emails? Others disable it to prevent multiple accidental sign-ups.

When the setting is turned off (set to "No"), customers attempting to register with an email address already in use will see a message indicating that the email is taken. They will then be prompted to log in or reset their password, if necessary.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Navigate to the System Configuration Module

    • Start on the home page and open the System Configuration module.

      Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 10.14.43.png

  2. Access the Settings Panel

    • Go to Settings and then select Manage Settings.

      Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 10.14.51.png Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 10.14.57.png

  3. Locate the Setting

    • From the Category dropdown menu, choose General Settings.

      Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 10.15.10.png

    • Search for the setting labeled Allow users with duplicate emails.

      Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 10.15.54.png

  4. Modify the Setting

    • By default, this setting is set to Yes.
    • To:
      • Allow duplicate emails: Leave the setting as Yes.

      • Prevent duplicate emails: Change the setting to No.

    Note: Changing this setting to "No" means that any customer account created with a duplicate email address will be affected.

Important Information

  • Impact of Changing the Setting to "No"

    • Customers with duplicate email addresses will not be able to purchase new memberships. FLOW will detect the email as already in use by another account.
  • How to Resolve Duplicate Email Conflicts

    • Update the existing email address on one of the affected customer accounts to a unique email address that is not already in use.
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