How to configure your Front of House Settings?


This guide explains how to configure your Front of House (FOH) settings in the System Configuration Module. These settings can be applied at the Global, Group, or Facility level and will affect the FOH module functionalities.


Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Access the System Configuration Module:

    • From the home page, navigate to the System Configuration Module.


  2. Open FOH Settings:

    • Go to Settings > Manage Settings.


    • From the category drop-down, select Front of House and click Search.

      Screenshot 2024-10-22 at 12.15.02.png

  3. Edit FOH Settings:

    • You can configure each setting by clicking Edit on the right-hand side of the screen.


Key FOH Settings Explained

  • Access Types:


    Choose the types of membership identification available. Options include:

    • Barcode
    • Facial Recognition
    • NFC
      (Click Save after selection.)

  • Access Control Readmission Restriction Minutes (Passback Rule):
    Set the number of minutes required between visits before a customer can be readmitted. Enter "0" to disable.

  • Action if Refund Threshold Met:
    Define what happens when the maximum single refund threshold is exceeded:

    • Process as an off-system refund
    • Do not allow the refund to be processed

  • Confirm Z Reading:
    Require confirmation of a card reader's Z reading. Options: Yes or No.

  • Confirm Password When Refunding:
    Require staff to re-enter their password when processing a refund. Options: Yes or No.

  • Current PDQ Payment Provider:
    Specify the provider for PDQ machines. Currently supported: Paymentsense and Verifone.


  • Default Button Tab on FOH Dashboard:
    Set the default tab on the FOH dashboard:


    • If set to Quick Buttons, it will show as below on the Dashboard:


    • If set to Bookings, it will show as below on the Dashboard:


  • Default Non-Cash/Card Refund Option:
    Choose how to process non-cash/card refunds:

    • Refund as Cash
    • Refund as Card
    • Refund as Off-System


  • Default Split Payment Refund Option:
    Define how to process refunds for split cash/card payments:

    • Refund as Cash
    • Refund as Card
    • Refund as Off-System


  • Disable Prompt for Refund Receipts:
    Choose whether to prompt for printing refund receipts. Options: Yes or No.

  • Duplicate Merchant Receipts:
    Enable printing a second copy of refund receipts for the merchant. Options: Yes or No.

  • Email Notification for Auto-Close Without Cashing Up:
    Enter the email address to receive notifications when a shift is automatically closed without being cashed up.


  • Enable Giro Number Field:
    Enable the Giro number field when closing the till.

  • Enable Email Receipts:
    Toggle the option to email receipts.

  • Enable Money Bags for Cashing Up:
    Enable the entry of a small bag number for each tender type when closing a session.

  • Flow Connect Base URL:
    The base URL for Flow Connect (e.g., https://localhost:7121).

  • Logo on Receipts:
    Specify the logo to be used on receipts (recommended size: 200px wide).

  • Mark Upcoming Bookings as Attended:
    Automatically mark upcoming bookings as attended when the user is scanned via FOH. Options: Yes or No.

  • Maximum Single Card/PDQ Refund Threshold:
    Set the maximum amount that can be refunded via card/PDQ in one go. Enter a value (e.g., 10 for £10) or leave blank to disable.

  • Maximum Single Cash Refund Threshold:
    Set the maximum amount that can be refunded via cash in one go. Enter a value (e.g., 10 for £10) or leave blank to disable.

  • Minutes Between Recorded Visits:
    Define the minimum time (in minutes) between recorded visits for the same customer.

  • Open Till Drawer by Printing:
    Enable this setting to trigger the till drawer to open by printing a small receipt (requires configured printer).

  • Regular Expression for Cheque References:
    Specify a regular expression rule for cheque reference formats.

  • Shift Automatic Close Time:
    Set the time of day when shifts should automatically close without cashing up (checked every 15 minutes). Leave blank to disable.

  • Show FOH Warning for Non-Reconciled Shifts:
    Display a warning if a non-reconciled shift exists on the current machine. Options: Yes or No.

  • Tender Types (FOH):
    Define which tender types are allowed in FOH. Options include Cash, Card, Credit, Offline Voucher, and Cheque.


  • Till Variance Threshold:
    Set the allowed variance between the expected and actual till amounts when closing the till. Variances beyond this require manager approval.

  • Type of Barcode for Access:
    Specify the type of barcode for printed receipts/tickets and emails for non-member bookers. Options: QR Code or Barcode 128a.


  • Use Tender Denominations:
    Enable the use of tender denominations when closing a till.
    If set to No:
    If set to Yes:

  • Use Unintegrated PDQ Payment Flow:
    Enable or disable unintegrated PDQ payment processing.

This guide provides detailed steps to help you configure your Front of House settings effectively. Adjust these settings based on your facility's needs to ensure smooth operations.

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