How to create a Resource Bookings Template - V2


This guide will walk you through creating a reusable Resource Activity Template to schedule activities like badminton or squash. In this example, we'll create a 60-minute Tennis activity template.

Before You Start

This guide will show you how to create a Class Bookings Template for scheduling activities, such as fitness classes. Before starting, ensure you have created a booking pricing option for this activity. If not, please refer to the Booking Pricing Option Guide.


To navigate within the template creation process, use the tabs at the top of the page. Avoid using your browser’s back button. You can switch between saved tabs but must complete each step in sequence before moving forward.

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Step-by-Step Guide


1. Access the Activity Template Module

  • From the Home page, navigate to the Activities V2 Module.

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  • Under Activities, select Activity Template.

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  • Click on Create a New Template.

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2. Set Up Template Basics

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  1. Template Name – Enter the display name for the template.

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  2. Internal Reference – Optional field for internal use.

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  3. Description – Optional description.

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  4. Booking Type – Choose Resource Bookings.
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  5. Category – Select or create a category.
    • To create a new category, click Create a New Category and follow the additional prompts. 

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      If needed, you can delete or change the category by selecting the delete icon.

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  6. Pricing Option – Select an existing pricing option.

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  • When complete, click Save and Continue.

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3. Configure Advanced Settings

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  • In the Advanced Settings tab, configure the following:
  1. Booking Restrictions

    • Availability – Set availability as Everywhere (default), or specify Online or Front of House only.

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    • Anonymous Bookings – Enable this option to allow bookings without an account.

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    • Overlap with Other Bookings – Enable to allow simultaneous bookings with other activities.

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    • Gender Restrictions – Defaults to no restrictions. Click More Options for additional selections (Optional).

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    • Age Restrictions – Set a minimum, maximum, or age range (Optional).

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    • Waivers – Add any required waivers (optional).

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    • Inductions – Add any required inductions (optional).

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    • Booking Limit – Set a limit per customer for a time period (default is no limit).

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    • Ignore Cancellation & No-Show Penalties – Disabled by default.

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  2. Advance Booking Timings

    • Inherit the system’s global settings, or customize here by selecting Edit Booking Timings.

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    • Booking Windows – Set the days in advance customers (members, non-members, or anonymous) can book online or at the front desk.

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      Front of House:

      Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 12.32.39.png

    • Cut-Off Times – Set online and front desk booking cut-off times.
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      Front of house:
      Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 12.34.06.png

    • Release Time – Define when new spaces become available.

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    • Waitlist Cut-Off – Set the waitlist closing time.

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    • Booking Cut-Off time - how long after an activity has already started can customers still book it.

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    • Cancellation Window – Set the time frame for cancellations.

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  • Click Save and Continue when finished.

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4. Set Location Availability

  • By default, all locations are selected. Deselect any locations where this template should not be available.

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    To re-add a facility, click the + icon next to its name, or select Add All.

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    Click on 'Save changes'

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5. Questionnaire (Optional). You will need to have already created the custom questions. Please refer to this guide for further information.
In the custom questions tab, you can add custom questions for your customers to fill in. You can configure them to be required or optional.

1. Click on 'Create New Section'.

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2. Add a Section Title (required).

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3. Add a description (Optional).

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4. Add questions by ticking the ones you want. You can narrow down your search by typing in keywords in the search bar.

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5. Click on 'Save Section'.

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6. Click on 'Save Template'.

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Your Resource activity template is now configured and ready for use!
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