How to Bulk Edit Activity Schedules?


This guide will show you how to bulk edit activities. Bulk edit allows you to amend or cancel specific activities without having to cancel the entire schedule.


Step by step guide

  1. From the home page select the ‘Activities’ module


  2. Select the ‘bulk edit’ tab


  3. Select the venue you would like to bulk edit


  4. Select the template you would like to bulk edit


  5. Select the instructor (optional)


  6. Select the date you would like to bulk edit and click on 'Filter'


  7. Choose the specific schedule (or multiple schedules) by selecting the box on the left hand side of the schedule. Scroll to the bottom of the page and choose to adjust or cancel the selected schedule. Bulk edit allows to you cancel or adjust multiple schedules at one time.


If you are adjusting a schedule, go to step 8. if you are cancelling a schedule skip to step 10 below.

8. Adjusting a schedule

A) Recurrence: select how long this change should be applied. For example, if you would like this change to affect only the one activity you select choose ‘only this instance’. If you would like to change for the next 5 activities, select ‘Next 5 Instances’.


B) Location: edit the location of your schedule. For example, if your activity is schedule is court 1 you can change the location to court 2.


C) Pricing Option: edit the pricing option. For example, you may only want to change the pricing for a schedule for a short time e.g., school holidays. Firstly, you would need to create the pricing option (see ‘Create a Pricing Option in Module 6. Pricing Option)


D) Spaces:Edit the amount of space available for this activity. When happy with all the changes, click on 'Update' to save them.


E) Changes will show on each tab.


9. Cancelling a schedule

A) Choose the reason for your cancellation


B) Recurrence: select how long you would like to cancel this schedule. For example, if you would like only the selected schedule select ‘only this instance’. If you would like to cancel the next 5 schedule, select ‘Next 5 Instances’.


C) Click on 'Cancel Selected'


D) It will display how many activities will be cancelled. If happy with it, click on 'Cancel Selected Activities and Bookings'


E) You will get a pop up notification confirming that your activities have been cancelled.


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