How to configure your tender types available at FOH?


This article will show you how to change the tender type available at front of house. You can select the tender type on a global or a facility level.

What are tender types?

They are payment types such as Cash, Card, Cheques, Vouchers, etc...

Step by step guide

  1. From the home page select the 'System Configuration' module

  2. Select 'Settings' button

  3. Select 'manage settings' button

  4. Search for 'Tender types (Font of house)' and select the edit button.

  5. Amend the tender type to your preference

  • Global settings: set the default tender type across all your facilities

  • Group override: set specific tender type for specific group of facilities (How to Create a setting group

  • Facility override: set tender type for a specific facility

6. select the save button to save your preference


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