Saved Card details has been added to allow a faster and more streamlined checkout for customers. With the introduction of 3D Secure customers are required to add a billing address, making the payment process long and arduous. Therefore once a customer saves their card they only have to enter the CVC code to make a payment.
Feature Summary
- A card can only be saved when making a payment
- Flow only supports the saving of one card
- A card can be deleted by the customer
- A card’s address details can be edited
- Customers can choose to pay with another card at checkout, and subsequently save this card, which replaces the previous one
- If a customer wants to change a saved card, they can either delete it and add another at checkout, or complete the aforementioned step to replace it
- Customer receives a notification on their account dashboard if their saved card expires
Admin Notes
We currently only support the saving of cards for payment provider Opayo. The client will have to enable the saved card feature within the admin area of Opayo, before enabling it on Flow which can be done via:
System Configuration → Payment Providers →Saved Cards Enabled
If this setting is enabled before the Opayo Client settings then the customer will be unable to save a card, even if they try to save a card. Therefore it is important that the client turns on the feature before enabling the setting on Flow.
Note: the client may have to pay a fee to Opayo for using this feature. It is likely the cost will be associated to the volume of users, however OP are not privy to this information.
Saving a Card at Checkout
- Customer enters their billing and payment details
- They select to save the card
- The card is then saved to their account on completion of the payment
Paying with a Saved Card
- Add a booking to to you basket
- Select the payment method as ‘pay with saved card’
- Enter Card Security Code (CVC)
- Pay
Using a saved card to purchase a membership
- A saved card can be used to pay for any upfront fees as part of a membership purchase too
Paying with a Different Card
- If a customer does not wish to pay with their saved card, they can select ‘pay with a different card’
- They will be required to add their billing details
- They can choose to save this new payment card for future payments, replacing their current saved card
Expired Card Notification
- When a saved card expires the customer is notified when they navigate to their basket for payment
- They must enter new billing and payment details before saving a new card
Updating Card Billing Details
- A customer can update their Saved Card billing details, such as address
- The customercannotedit their card details - and are notified as such
- To change a saved card, the customer must delete their current one and add a new one, or save an alternative payment card
Deleting a Saved Card
- Customer navigates to their payment tab
- Clicks ‘Manage Card’
- Clicks ‘Delete Card’ and confirms
- Customer is notified that the deletion was successful