How to purchase a membership online?


In this guide, we will show you how a customer can purchase a membership online.


Step by Step Guide

The customer will first need to create their Customer Account

1. Once they have created their customer account and logged in, they will click on 'Buy a Membership'


2. Customer selects their home centre


3. Customer chooses their membership. They narrow down the search by Membership Type and Payment Type (Monthly or Single Payment).


4. Customer fills in the required details and click on 'Save and Continue'. Some be automatically fed from their customer account and others will need to be filled in. This will vary depending on your Data Collection Settings. 

N.B: They will not be able to Edit their First Name, Last Name and Email address at this stage as they cannot purchase a membership under a different name than the one on their account.



5. Customer will have to fill your custom questions if any are set and 'required' at Membership Purchase and click on 'Save and Continue'.


6. Customer will review and choose their Start Date,, Add a promo code if applicable and accept the Terms and Conditions and click on 'Continue'.


If they have a promo code, they can click on the + sign next to 'Add a promo code' and enter the code (it is not case sensitive) and click on 'Apply'.

Screenshot 2024-07-04 at 12.24.18.png
If the code is valid, they will see a tick next to the code as per the screenshot below.
Screenshot 2024-07-04 at 12.24.25.png

If the code is not valid for the membership they're trying to purchase, they will an error message as per the screenshot below.

Screenshot 2024-07-04 at 12.26.22.png

7. Customer will confirm that they have read and understood the T&Cs if applicable. They will see the applied discount if applicable.

Screenshot 2024-07-04 at 12.28.16.png

8. The customer will click on 'Save and Continue to checkout'.

Fixed Membership
9. The Customer will then enter their billing  & Card details only if a fixed membership and their bank account details if a recurring membership and click on 'Pay Now'.

Screenshot 2024-07-04 at 12.33.01.png

Recurring Membership

10. Customer enters their bank details, confirm that they are the account holder and they have read the Terms and Conditions and click on 'Save and continue'.


11. Customer confirms their details and click on 'Continue to check out'


9. Check out.

Customer can choose to pay with a saved card (if any) or choose to pay with a different/new card.

If paying with a saved card, they simply enter their security code and click on 'Pay Now'.


If paying with a new card, they will need to enter their billing address and card details and click on 'Pay Now'.

They will also have the option to save their card details for future payments


10. A payment confirmation will be displayed on their screen.




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