How to configure your Pricing Options Settings?


This guide will walk you through the steps to configure your Pricing Options Settings, including setting Mandatory General Ledger (GL) Codes. Setting up these codes will require users to select a GL code when creating or editing a pricing option.


Step-by-Step Guide

1. From the home page, go to the System configuration module.


2. Within the System Configuration module, go to the Settings submodule.


3. Select 'Manage Settings'.


4. Select Pricing Option from the category dropdown and click on 'Search'.

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5.  Configure your Pricing Options settings.

Click 'Edit' on the right hand side of each setting.


You have 3 Pricing Options Settings:

  • Active Membership Statuses:
    • This option allows you to specify which membership statuses should be considered "active" when calculating pricing and discounts.
    • To configure, add the membership statuses you want to be treated as "active" and click Save.


  • Enable multi-member fast ticket discounts: 
    • This setting enables customers to assign fast tickets to other members when adding items to the cart.
    • You can toggle this option between Yes or No.

      Screenshot 2024-09-11 at 10.06.16.png
  • Mandatory Finance Codes: 
    • Enter one GL (Finance) Code per line. These codes will be required for users to select when creating or editing a pricing option.
    • A GL code is a unique number used to record transactions in the general ledger.




Note: You can configure these settings globally or override them at the Group or Facility level.

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