How to change a suspended membership at FOH


This guide explains how to change a membership that is currently suspended for a customer at the Front of House (FOH).
Memberships typically become suspended when customers fail to upload their eligibility document in the time window configured with the setting 'Days after a membership is created in which a customer should upload the relative eligibility document'.
Currently, you can cannot reactivate a suspended membership but you can change it to a different membership.

Important Notes

  1. Membership Type Rules:

    • You cannot change a suspended membership to the same one. It must be a different membership.
    • Changes are limited by payment type:
      • Recurring (monthly paid) memberships can only be switched to other recurring memberships.
      • Fixed (paid-in-full) memberships can only be switched to another fixed membership of the same duration.
  2. Custom Questions:

    • If the new membership type requires additional information (e.g., eligibility documents), the customer will need to answer these questions before the change is finalized.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Search for the Customer

  2. Navigate to the Memberships Tab

    • Go to the Memberships section within the customer’s account.

      Screenshot 2023-11-13 at 17.17.19.png

  3. Select the Suspended Membership

    • Identify the suspended membership you wish to change.
    • Click 'Manage Membership' for that membership.

      Screenshot 2023-11-13 at 17.19.21.png

  4. Initiate Membership Change

    • Click on the 'Change Membership' button.

      Screenshot 2023-11-13 at 17.19.59.png

  5. Choose a New Membership

    • Select the new membership you wish to switch to.
    • Set the Start Date for the new membership.
    • Click 'Change to This Membership' to proceed.

      Screenshot 2023-11-13 at 17.25.38.png

  6. Confirm Membership Change

    • Review the details of the change and click 'Confirm Membership Change'.
    • If the new membership requires answering custom questions (e.g., eligibility criteria), complete this step first.

      Screenshot 2023-11-13 at 17.26.11.png

  7. Process Payment (If Applicable)

    • If there is a membership change fee, collect the payment from the customer to finalize the change.

      Screenshot 2023-11-13 at 17.28.03.png

Tips for a Smooth Process

  • Verify Details: Ensure that the new membership meets the customer’s requirements, including price, duration, and eligibility.
  • Check Eligibility: If the new membership requires supporting documentation (e.g., proof of student status or residency), ensure the customer provides this.
  • Explain Payment Adjustments: If applicable, clarify any pro-rata charges, credits, or fees involved in the membership change.

By following these steps, you can efficiently change a suspended membership for a customer while ensuring the correct procedures and requirements are met.

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