In this guide, we will show you how to publish your memberships to Online Join.
Once you have created a Membership Type, if you want your customers to be able to purchase it online, you will need to make it available for purchase.
Step by step guide
1. Check that your Membership Type is set to 'Allow Purchase Online' (and offline if applicable)
A) From the home page, go to the Memberships Module.
B) Go to Membership Types
C) Search for the membership you wish to show online and click on Edit.
D) Click on the 'Advanced Tab' and from the 'Allow Membership Purchase' dropdown, select 'Available Online' or 'Available Online and Offline' if applicable.
E) Click on Update
2. Check that Membership and Joining Fee Pricing Options have a price at Global, Setting Group & or Centre Level. If price in Global, the membership type will show for ALL centres. If price on centre level only, it will only show for that centre. If Setting Group, it will only show at the centres included in that group.