How to create an Activity Category?


This article will give you a walkthrough on how to create an activity category. This will help customers filter the type of activities they want to book. For example, Fitness Classes or Tennis Activities.


Step-by-step guide

  1. Select the 'Activities' Module


  2. Select 'Categories'


  3. Click the 'Create New Activity Category' located on the top left of your screen


  4. You can create an activity category or a Parent group. Fill in the fields listed and click create.
    Activity Category 

    • Parent group: The main category that this activity belongs to. For example, you can have a parent group called badminton, within the badminton group, you can create '45 minutes badminton', '60 minutes of badminton' and 'junior badminton' activities. You can also leave it as none if the category you're creating is a group.
    • Type: This relates to the template that your activity belongs to, such as class, ad-hoc or a fast ticket template. You can also select 'group' if you want to create one.
    • Name: the name of your activity
    • Description: description of what is included in this activity or what this activity is about.
    • Icon (Optional). You can add an icon image to your category.


Parent Group

  • Parent group: Leave as None
  • Type: Select Group
  • Name: the name of your parent group
  • Description: description of what type of categories are included in the group

Now you can link your activity category to your template. 

N.B: If you create an Activity Category, delete it and create it again, you will see the following error message: 'The slug has already been taken'.

It is because the system has already generated the URL from the slug. Simply change the URL to work around it by adding a letter, number or symbol and you'll be able to recreate it.


5. Once created, you can click on Edit if you wish to add a few rules/settings in the 'Advanced tab'.

  • Time of day new slots should be released for booking. (click on the time/clock symbol to enter the time) - This will override the Activity Cutoff Setting.
  • Minutes after the activity starts that it can still be booked
  • The maximum amount of Yoga bookings allowed (within the maximum booking period below. e.g., 8 per 7 days)
  • Maximum booking period
  • Waitlist Size (will inherit the Global Waitlist size but can be overridden here)


  • Click on Update when happy with the changes.

!!!PLEASE NOTE: If you would like 2 Ad Hoc Activities to overlap, they need to be sitting under different categories or subcategories.
For example: If you have a 'Racket Sports' Category and have 2 activities you wish to overlap that are both in that category (e.g., Tennis and Badminton), we would recommend that you use a Racket Sports as the Group (parent) Category and create a Tennis and a Badminton Category.

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