This guide will walk you through the process of creating an account for a new staff member. Before starting, ensure you have already set up your User Roles and configured permissions for each role.
By following these steps, you can efficiently create and manage accounts for your staff members, ensuring they have the correct access and permissions based on their roles.
Step by step guide
From the home page navigate to the System Configuration module
Click on the Staff button within the System Configuration module.
At the bottom of the Staff page, select the Create New Staff button
Fill in the required fields.
Complete the following fields to set up the new staff member's account:
- Description: Enter a brief description of the staff member's role or responsibilities.
- Username: Create a unique username that the staff member will use to log in to Flow.
- Password: Set a secure password for the staff member's Flow login.
- Access Roles: Assign the appropriate Flow modules that the staff member can access based on their role.
Facilities Access: Select the specific facilities the staff member can access, or tick the ‘Can Access All Facilities’ box to grant access to all facilities.
Once all fields are completed, click the Create button at the bottom of the page to finalize the new staff member's account.
Make changes on the Staff account (Optional).
If you need to make changes to the staff member’s profile after creating the account, locate the staff member in the list and click the Edit button to update their profile.