In this guide, we will show you how to renew a customer's fixed membership at the Front of House.
For example, you may want to extend it due to a resource/facility closure.
Step-by-Step Guide
2. Go to the Memberships Tab.
3. On the bottom right hand side of the Membership you wish to extend, click on 'Manage Membership'.
4. Click on 'Renew Membership'.
5. Click on Next.
6. The start date will be the day after the current membership expires and the new end date will depend on the duration of the membership. If the membership has custom questions, the customer will be prompted to answer them again. Click on Save and Continue. If no custom questions, skip to the next step.
7. You will be directed to the FOH Dashboard in order to complete the payment. if you haven't opened a till yet, you will be prompted to do so. Process the Payment with the customer's preferred method.