How to create a Course Pro Membership?


This guide would show you how to create a Course Pro membership type.

CoursePro is a software that manages lessons and courses for a client.

Though CoursePro can be operated as a standalone product, we have developed a more seamless experience for the client and the customer who uses the two systems.

In summary Flow will power the price and take (recurring) payments from the customer for the course. Flow will also be the source of truth for the user and their details as well as updating CoursePro with the status of their membership.

Courses and Memberships

Flow powers the price and payment type for a course in CoursePro. Therefore the types of membership provided are:

  • Recurring, monthly membership for an ongoing course, until completion, changed etc
  • Fixed, a 3 month course, fixed duration for a (weekly frequency course)
  • Session Purchase - buying ‘one off’ sessions (for top up etc)


Step by step guide

  1. From the home page, select the membership module

  2. Select the 'membership type' tab

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the 'Create New Membership' button


  4. Fill the fields

  • Name: Membership name
  • Friendly Name: The membership name the customer will see on the booking system.
  • Membership group: the group that this membership belongs to e.g. a CoursePro membership could belong to the the 'CoursePro' membership group. 
  • Membership Category

Important Information below!

5. Once created, click on Manage Settings, and go straight the advanced tab first to enable and save the course pro integration. If you save the details in your general tab first, it will default the integration to None and you will not be able to change it and will have to start again.

Click the Advanced tab and select your desired settings.



  • Membership benefits: additional benefits outside the membership package. E.g. Free Bottle of Water
  • Eligibility Criteria: the criteria a person have to meet to purchase this membership. E.g. a student membership will need to provide student ID card.
  • Mark as counted sale: This is mainly for accounting purposes, you might want to make a membership purchase counted as a sale.
  • Can membership be frozen?: choose whether this membership allow customers to freeze their membership for a period of time. Read more about Applying a membership freeze
  • Allow membership purchase: Choose where the customers can purchase their membership either front of house, online or both.
  • Membership coverage: Choose what centres are included as part of this membership.
  • Allow membership change: Tick the allow membership change box if you would like customers to change their member and choose where they can change to a higher yield, lower yield or both.
  • Integration - There 2 options: None and Course Pro. For a Course Pro Membership, please make sure that you select Course Pro.


  • Select a concessionary type if applicable.


  • Click on 'Update'


6. Go back to the General tab and fill in the details if applicable.




Name, Friendly Name and Membership will automatically populate the details in you entered in the previous steps.

You can fill in the other fields (optional) and click on Update:

  • Active from: The first date you can purchase this membership
  • Active to: The last date to purchase this membership
  • Description: a description of what is included in this membership


7. Click then Payment Option tab to add the price of your membership.

N.B: Unlike other Flow memberships you can only add one payment option type. Therefore if you wanted to have a recurring monthly payment and a fixed payment for the same course you would need to create two respective memberships in Flow.

a. Click create new payment option


b. Choose fix (one payment) or recurring (monthly/yearly) membership payment type.


c. Click the 'Create Payment' button and select the CoursePro Membership Pricing Option as well as the Joining fee Pricing Option.

If you haven't created a Membership pricing option yet, please refer to Create a Course Pro Membership Pricing Option




d. Tick yes, if you would like to publish this price for customers to book. when the membership is publish, you can amend or update the price by clicking the 'no' button to unpublish the membership and update the pricing details

e. Click the save button to save the pricing


9. Publish your membership.


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