In this guide, we will show you how to create an Access Control Rule Group.
Access Control Rules will determine who can access which facility and at what time based on their Membership Type or booked activity.
For example, you might offer Off-Peak Memberships and you want to make sure the Off-Peak members only gain access to the Facility via access control during Off-Peak time.
Step-by-Step Guide
1. From the home page, go to the Facilities module
2. Go to Access Control
3. Go to Rule Groups
4. Click on Create New Rule Group
5. Enter Name and click on Create
6. Click on Manage
7. Click on Create New Rule
8. Fill in the details
- Type: Choose Membership or Pricing Option
Membership Type
- Select Membership
- Membership Group: Select Membership Group
- Membership: Select Specific Membership Type or All Memberships
- What time period should this be applied to: Choose between Centre opening times or a specific Time Band
- Apply activity Restrictions as well (Optional)? Yes or No
If no, select 'No' and carry on.
If Yes, you will need to:
A) Select the Restrictions to Apply
B) Select the Criteria
Pricing Option Type
You can use this option if you wish to give access to a customer if they do not have a relevant membership, but have purchased a pricing option such as an activity booking.
- Pricing Option: Select the Pricing Option you wish to apply the Rule Group to
- Apply activity restrictions as well? Yes or No
If no, select 'No' and carry on.
If Yes, you will need to:
A) Select the Restrictions to Apply
B) Select the Criteria
9. Click on Save
Please note: If you have several access points within a Facility, the same rule group should be applied to all of them. If you apply different Rule Groups within the same venue, this will cause problems and eligible customers won't be granted access.