This guide walks you through the process of adding and managing prices at different levels in your system, exploring various pricing types and restrictions such as time bands and membership status. Real-life examples are provided to illustrate how these pricing features can be effectively used.
Step-by-Step Guide
1. From the home page, go to the Pricing Options module.
2. Within the Pricing Options module, click on the Pricing Options submodule.
3. Choose the pricing option type you want to add a new price to.
For example, this could be membership fees, fitness class packages, or Fast tickets.
4. Find and Manage the Pricing Option
Search for the specific pricing option you want to update and click Manage to begin adding new pricing levels or adjustments.
5. Choose the Pricing Level.
Select where the price should apply:
- Global Level: Applies across all facilities and groups.
- Setting Group Level: Applies to a group of facilities.
- Centre Level: Applies to an individual facility.
Important Rule: If multiple prices qualify, the price set at the most specific level (e.g., facility) will override prices at higher levels (e.g., global), even if the lower-level price is higher.
- A global price for a gym session is set at £5.
- A facility-specific price at one gym location is £8. If a customer books a session at that specific gym, they will be charged £8, even though the global price is lower.
Adding a New Price
6. Create New Price.
Click on Create New Price and fill in the required details:
- Price: Enter the amount for the new price.
Name (Optional): Enter an internal name for the price. This is for internal reference only and will not be visible to customers.
Price Type (Optional):
- Member Price: If selected, this price will only apply to customers with active memberships.
- Non-member Price: This price will only apply to customers without memberships or for anonymous bookings.
- A Member Price for a yoga class is £6.
- A Non-member Price for the same class is £10. When a member books the class, they will be charged £6, while non-members or guests will be charged £10.
7. Set Restrictions (Optional)
Time Band Restriction - If you haven't created your Timebands yet, please follow this user guide
- Time Band: This restricts the price to specific times or time slots.
- The price will only qualify if the booking time or the current time falls within the specified time range.
- A gym offers off-peak pricing for yoga classes between 9 AM and 12 PM.
- The off-peak price is £4, while the standard price is £6. If a customer books a class for 10 AM, they will pay £4. If they book for 5 PM, they will be charged the standard price of £6.
Active Start Date / End Date

- Active Dates: Set a specific date range when the price is valid. If the current date falls outside of this range, the price will not qualify.
- A swimming pool offers a summer promotion where tickets are discounted to £3 from June 1 to August 31. After August 31, the price returns to the standard £5. If a customer books during July, they will pay £3. If they book in September, the price will be £5.
Important Notes on Membership Pricing Updates
When updating membership prices, changes will only apply to new members. Existing members will continue to pay the original price. If you want to change the price for existing members, refer to the relevant article for instructions on handling price updates for current members.
Real-Life Use Cases
Gym Membership:
- A gym might set different prices for memberships across multiple locations.
- For Location A in an urban area, the monthly membership is £30.
- For Location B in a rural area, the price is £25.
- A global price for all other locations is set at £28.
If a member signs up at Location A, they will pay £30, even though the global price is lower.
Event Tickets:
- A community center offers a Charity Run ticket priced at £20 globally.
- For a special promotion at Facility C, they offer tickets for £15.
When customers book tickets for the event at Facility C, they will pay £15, but for all other locations, they will pay £20.
Fitness Classes:
- A fitness studio charges £8 for a Pilates class for non-members and £5 for members.
- They also offer off-peak pricing of £4 for classes booked between 9 AM and 12 PM.
If a non-member books a 10 AM class, they will be charged £4, but if they book for 2 PM, they will pay £8.
By leveraging the different pricing levels and restrictions, such as time bands and membership types, you can offer customized pricing to suit various customer needs. This flexibility ensures that pricing is optimized based on factors like time, location, and customer type, enabling businesses to run promotions and adjust prices accordingly while maintaining consistency across multiple locations.