This guide will show you how to bulk add pricing adjustments to multiple activity bookings or memberships at your leisure centre or gym. For example, if you want to apply a "5% Summer Discount" to certain activity bookings for specific membership types, the Bulk Add Adjustments feature allows you to do this efficiently with just a few clicks.
For more information on price adjustments, please refer to this article.
Step-by-Step Guide
1. From the home page, go to the Pricing Options Module

2. Within the Pricing Options module, click on the Bulk Management submodule.

3. Select Bulk Add Prices & Adjustments from the menu.

4. Tick the pricing options you want to add the adjustments to. You can filter these options by:
- ID
- Reference
- Friendly Name
- Finance Code
Example: If you want to apply a summer discount to all Day Passes, use the filter to find all Day Pass-related pricing options and tick the relevant boxes. Then click on Bulk Add Adjustments at the bottom.

5. Fill in the details accordingly and click on Create.
Complete the adjustment details as follows:
Apply to: Select the scope where the adjustment should apply, such as:

Global: Applies across all locations.
Regional: Applies to a specific group of facilities.
Specific Facility: Applies to an individual leisure centre or gym.
Name (Optional): Give the adjustment a name for internal reference (e.g., "Summer 5% Discount").

Replace Overlapping Prices**: Tick this box if you want the new adjustment to override existing price adjustments that overlap with this one.

Type: Choose the type of adjustment:

% Discount: Apply a percentage-based discount.
Fixed Amount: Set a specific discounted amount (e.g., £2 off).
Fixed Discount: Deduct a fixed amount from the price.
Price Override: Set a new price, regardless of other discounts or lower prices.
Value: Enter the value based on the chosen adjustment type:
- If you chose % Discount, enter the percentage (e.g., 50%).

- If you chose Fixed Amount, enter the specific amount (e.g., £5).

Membership Group (Optional): Choose whether the adjustment applies to all membership groups or specific ones.

Membership Type (Optional): Choose whether the adjustment applies to all membership types or just specific ones.

- Age Restriction (Optional): Select whether the adjustment is restricted to a specific age range (E.g., A Junior discount may only apply to customers under 15).
Timeband (Optional): Select whether the adjustment applies during Peak or Off-Peak hours, if applicable.

Home Centre Override (Optional): Adjust based on whether the customer’s booking is at their home centre or another facility.

Active Start Date (Optional): Specify the start date for the adjustment. For example, if you’re running a summer promotion, set the start date as June 1st.

Active End Date (Optional): Set the date when the adjustment should no longer apply. For example, the summer discount could end on August 31st.

Use Adjustment If Membership but Not at Eligible Centre: This option applies the adjustment only if the customer has a membership but is not booking at a facility covered by their membership. Tick or untick as appropriate.

Single Use per Purchase: If selected, this adjustment will only apply once per purchase, even if multiple items qualify for the discount. For example, if a family purchases multiple tickets for a swimming session, only the highest-priced ticket might receive the discount.

6. After filling in all the details, click Create to finalize the bulk adjustment.
Real-Life Example: Applying a 5% Summer Discount to Day Passes
Let’s say you want to apply a 5% Summer Discount to all Day Passes sold across your facilities from June 1st to August 31st:
- Go to Bulk Add Prices & Adjustments.
- Filter by Day Passes.
- Tick all relevant pricing options for Day Passes.
- Enter the following details:
Apply to: Global
Name: Summer 5% Discount
Type: % Discount
Value: 5%
Active Start Date: June 1st
Active End Date: August 31st
- Click Create.
Once applied, all Day Pass bookings between June 1st and August 31st will automatically receive the 5% discount.
After Adding Adjustments
Once you’ve successfully created the bulk adjustment, it will appear in the Adjustments tab of each pricing option you selected. You can always return here to edit or deactivate the adjustments as needed.
By using Bulk Add Adjustments, you can save time and ensure pricing adjustments are applied consistently across multiple activities and memberships, enhancing both customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.
** Overlapping prices occur when multiple adjustments could potentially apply to the same pricing option.
The system has a hierarchy for handling these overlapping prices:
- Adjustments can be added at global, setting group, and facility levels.
- Only one adjustment can qualify, and the adjustment that qualifies at the lowest level will always be used, even if it results in a higher price.
- For example, a qualifying global adjustment resulting in a £5 price will be superseded by a qualifying facility-level adjustment resulting in a £6 price, if the customer is at that facility.
This allows lower levels to increase or decrease the price. To ensure the lowest price wins, adjustments should be set up at the same level.
The exception to this rule is price override adjustments, which will always be used even if another adjustment at the same level results in a lower price.